Dairy Products
Consumption and attitudes

Infographic about consumption and attitutes towards dairy products on the Bulgarian market, commissioned by Capital (part of Economedia Group), the only Bulgarian weekly newsletter that relies heavily on infographics to supplement their journalistic content. 

Source data from 617 interviewees was provided in a PDF by marketing and social research agency Market Links, who did the study for dairy products company Fama Serdika. Only select parts of the research were pieced together and presented in the final piece.

Some of the visualised customer attitudes are:
How often do you buy dairy products and which ones?; What is your favorite type of packaging for biled cheese?; What is the quality of the cheese brands on the Bulgarian market in your view?; What are the main factors you base your decision on regarding the quality of the cheese you buy?; Would you compromise with quality for a cheaper price?; Do you look at the contents when you buy dairy products?; etc.


The products' models were rendered in Cinema 4D.

Featured in
Infographics & Data Visualizations

Publisher: Liaoning Science and Technology Publishing House
Format: Hardback, 348 pages
Dimensions: 210mm x 260mm x 210mm, 381g
Publication date: 28 August 2014
Publication City/Country: Liaoning, China
ISBN 10: 7538178333
ISBN 13: 9787538178333